Speak like the leader you are.

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Come home to your voice.

Comfortable Confidence is about cultivating ease to express yourself with authentic authority. It’s about unlearning habitual fillers and fidgeting and unlocking your voice from anxiety and toxic workplaces.


Hi, I’m Lee.

I build tools on the spot to help you express yourself with Comfortable Confidence so you can articulate your ideas, vocalize your vision, and have more authentic authority when speaking off-the-cuff.

I use systems thinking to create structure in your everyday speaking moments so you can feel prepared for the unexpected.


Unlock your voice in groups.

An interactive group coaching program to help you speak with Comfortable Confidence in two months.

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An interactive group coaching program to help you speak like the leader you are in two months.

Custom-built coaching sessions so you can articulate ideas with authentic authority in any moment of speaking.

Custom workshops to help teams strengthen connection, communication, and collaboration.


Hear from more voices.

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Comfortable Confidence

A free micro-course designed to help you express yourself with authentic authority.
